Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I am so excited I can hardly contain myself! Our new house is being put on the market tomarrow. It's crazy! Our realtor is very confident and is trying to get us a buyer quickly! This is such a huge relief, it seems like there has been many speed bumps in the road, but everything is turning out VERY well :) Counting my blessings!

The kids have been pretty chaotic lately. The older two seem to really get on eachother's nerves, and sometimes it's hard to make it through the day! We're hanging in there, and getting very excited for the holidays, and what that brings! Well they're at it again, I must go!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Well well....where has time gone?

Needless to say, we have been busy.....VERY BUSY! Austin has started preschool @ St. Joseph's and is loving it, he loves his teacher, his friends, and getting a break from his sister! On top of preschool Austin is involved with gymnastics. It's a good outlet for him, and he never ceases to amaze me at what he can come up with.
Alyssa is doing a one day a week preschool class at the co-op it's so good for her! She's also involved in Tap and Ballet class one day a week. She's going through a little seperation anxiety, which has been making things really fun lately! Her vocabulary has shot through the roof, and boy does this girl have some personality!!

Collin, oh sweet Collin! He has to be the most laid back, go with the flow baby I have ever been around. He is always happy, smiling , or babbling. He is definatley a little Matt, almost a perfect little clone!

Matt is having the time of his life building houses! It's such a nice change to have him happy when he comes home at the end of the day. I don't know what it is, but he loves doing what he's doing!

So as you can see, between dance, 2 preschool's, gymnastics, Collin's Baptism, Birthday parties, Scentsy parties, and all of the various activities that go along with having little tikes, we've been busy!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

...... Needing to catch up

The last few weeks have been rather crazy for our household. Matt has quit his job at Cashmere Valley Bank, and we have taken on the new journey in life as a builder family. We are having a great time, re-connecting, spending more time together, and enjoying our crazy summer!

Brionna came last week and helped us babysit for the week, it was amazing. THANK YOU BRI!

Here's a list of some of the things we have been up to!

1. Potty-training. As sweet as she is, I am a little sick of the portraits she has been painting.

2. Red Cross.... lot's and lot's of volunteering. I am super fond of our local chapter, and love being a part of what they do for our community!

3. Pouring concrete. God sent us Archie, and for that we are thankful!

4. Moses Lake Waterslides.... what a great place for little kiddos!!!

5. Megan and Aaron are married! It was a beautiful ceremony...and we are so thankful to share this day with them!

5 things we will be doing....

1. Taking the kiddos to the ocean. We are so excited :)

2. Planning our next Disney World Vacation

3. Trying to get my house back on track ( I have some serious catching up to do)

4. Heading to the Lakehouse for some boating and fun

5. Kenny Chesney! Next week Girls night Out!!

5 Things I am thankful for

1. Fresh fruit and Vegetables

2. My family is so happy! Especially since Matt is no longer at the bank!

3. The flexibility of Matt's work, and all of the help he has been giving me!

4. The little breaks I get.

5. The smiles on my babies faces...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bad Bad Kaila

The last few weeks have been very eventful in the BROWNLEE household. Collin turned 6 weeks old ... and is finally starting to give us a little bit of a break at night. Note, I said little bit!
My dear friend Lyndenn came up for Easter Weekend and her birthday. We celebrated with some much needed pedicures, and adult dinner and the Wenatchee Wild Game! What a blast, it's always so refreshing to spend time with her! We finally had our final inspection on our house, and PASSED! Yay, definately going to frame our occupancy permit..it's a big deal for us. This house has left us in tears, in laughter, up late, sometimes not even sleeping at all. I can't even explain how many memories we have in this house!
Since it has been finished we have kinda taken a break in the details. My house hasn't been cleaned in 3 weeks until tonight.. We have taken the kids to the park almost every single day! Had a ton of playdates, and are just enjoying having time. I can't help but think about how much the kids have missed out on this last year while we were building. All of our 'free' time has been invested into this.
Austin and Alyssa are both doing gymnastics now at Apple Valley Gymnastics. This is once a week, and sooo good for them! I wish Wenatchee had a few more opportunities for little ones such as this! Tomarrow night we're taking kids to the carnival and hitting up the food fair. I look forward to the Apple Blossom festivities every year. It's just a fun way for us to get out, and run into people we haven't seen in awhile! Matt's bestfriend Eric is also home from Denver, and we're really excited to see him. He's always good for a few laughs :) LOVE YOU ERIC! haha
Okay I'm off to bed, but figure I should blog a little before then!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Needless to say, life with three is definately busy! I finally feel like I am getting into the groove of having 3 little ones! Collin has developed Collic which makes for some interesting and very long nights. Overall though he seems to be doing better!
Matt has really been pushing to get our house finished. Last weekend we painted the exterior, and Matt stayed up til 4:30 a.m. last night and worked on trim, did the backsplash in our master bath, and tiled most of the shower. We have an appraisal today which will help determine how our future will go!
We have also decided that we have let the house come between us and the kids tooo much! I have vowed not to let the house stuff come between the fun things and quality time with Austin and Alyssa. I need to find a couple of teenagers to babysit...ANy ideas?? Or maybe even another mom to Swap nights with. I want to plan one date night a month, and once a month and outting with each one of the kiddos!
Alyssa started gymnastics this week, and it was adorable! I never realized how timid she is without her older brother! She really relies on Austin for a lot of things. It was sooo good for her, and I look forward to her gaining some independence! Austin sat on the side the entire time and was such a good boy watching his baby brother! He loves Collin, and I am absolutely flabergasted! He always sings to him, cuddles him, and is kissing him!
We are starting to fill up our weekends this summer, and I cannot wait! Check back to see what we're up to this weekend!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Grandma's visit

Grandma Vickery came to visit today, and it was fun to see her and spend some time with her! The kids definately got wore our, and their attitudes showed it by dinner time :(

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3 weeks old

I honestly cannot believe he's three weeks old! My little Collie Bear! Here's some of the highlights of our week.....

I woke up this morning and went to get Alyssa out of her crib, and like several other mornings this week...she was stark naked... I do not know what to do with her...Any suggestions?

Austin has had a little bit of a potty mouth. I don't know if it's school or what, but I do NOT like hearing him say poopface. And like most little kids monkey see monkey do, and now Alyssa is calling people poopface. UGH

Collin gave me 3.5 hours of sleep in one shot last night! YAY! He is growing like a weed, and is sooo super sweet.

Tracie and Brionna came up yesterday and are spending a couple of days with us. SUPER FUN! Just hard to do much cause we're strapped down with 3 little guys in car seats. However, we did take a drive to Leavenworth and popped in to A Matter of Taste to splurge on some yummy mustard dip!

We had Matt's company party this last weekend. It was really nice to get out of the house for awhile! Austin had gone to the lake with Craig and Mary, where he had a blast. I believe it is now called his lake house, and not theirs! He also found a small deer spike, which he brought home and was super excited about!

I think that's all for now! OH, Alyssa's favorite word right now...AWESOME

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Two weeks??

Two weeks??
Can you honestly believe it's been two weeks since we've been blessed with Collin? He is so precious and so good, and ugh, makes me melt!
So these last two weeks have certainly flown by, and without a doubt some interesting things have been said around our household. Austin claims Collin is his baby which is super sweet and makes me feel soooo good that he's not upset about the new baby.
*Austin said "mom he's got the cutest little schnitzel I"ve ever seen." Great for a few laughs.
*Alyssa trieds to cuddle him, but doesn't realize she can't lay on top of him to do it! She almost squishes the little guy!
*Austin stayed a couple hours with me at the hospital and I told him he needed to go sit in this other chair so I could feed the baby...so obviously he asked "where's the bottle?"
Well I said, Mommy kinda is the bottle. He got this mischevious smile on his face and said, "Oh, like a cow!" Yah kinda I explained. (Thanks son for making me feel even more like a cow!) haha
*We've caught Alyssa trying to pick him up out of his swing a couple times...trying to explain to a stubborn two year old that she can't do something.... FUN :)
Things though have actually been pretty great around our household. Thank you Mary for doing some great pictures of Collin and the kiddos. You can check em out at mkcphotography.phanfare.com SO FUN!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

OKay so this is a little late...but it's here none the less!!

Collin James Brownlee finally joined our family on March 10, 2009 after a schedule induction. They found out I had a liver condition that was dangerous to deliver later on and after an successful amnio that showed his lungs were mature we were able to start the induction. He was 6lbs 3oz and 19 inches long. Can you imagine if he would have gone full term???

He's super sweet! The kids are absolutely in love with their brother and adjusting very well to having a new baby in the house. Things could not be better and our hearts could not be fuller! We are so thankful to Dr. Cahill and everyone else that has helped us through the last couple weeks! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

On a lighter note, Tracie and the family were here this weekend, and it was a much needed visit! I am however sad that Ben wasn't feeling well and had to go home! Hopefully he'll be better and able to come back later in the week. Oh how I cherish the moments with the kids! Matt has also had a burst of motivation and has been able to finish some of the projects around the house! We have been barbequing and just having a great time enjoying our family. Pretty sure Collin is just what we needed for some motivation and appreciation!

The next couple weeks we're just concentrating on finishing up the house, and moving on to the next chapter of our lives. I'll post when I can share more :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Where is Waldo!?

That's kinda how I feel we have been lately! Where in the world is Waldo? Things have been pretty crazy with prep for the new arrival! Here's an idea of what we have been up to!

1. Alyssa has started potty training and it's actually really funny! The first time I got out her chonies (cause I picked her up out of her crib completely naked) she kept running around the kitchen, sitting on the potty, and tinkling just enough to get a huge "Yay" from mommy and Bubba. It's just funny!

2. Austin is still having some issues at night. It kills me when I wake up in the middle of the night for yet another potty break, and he's up coloring like nothing is wrong!

3. Dr. Cahill tested me for a liver condion, and low and behold I have it! It has some pretty significant risks to take pregnancy later so at 35.5 weeks or (Tuesday) if babies lungs look good we will be having baby a little early! We are super excited, but also very nervous!

4. My prayer request list seems a mile long right now! So for all of the people on our list, we are praying for you, we love you and hang in there!

5. Things are finally starting to progress around our house! I think we're feeling the push with Spring (or so we thought until it snowed Sat night) around the corner...and the idea of a new baby in the house helps too! We have all but 1 door up now, Matt started working on our deck, and we're slowly adapting to life in a house with doors! Boy does it change how things look!

6. We are about to undergo some Big Changes as a family, and I am sure we'll post more as we get there!

7. I can honestly say since we have moved into our new house, I have been a complete hermit. My goal, is to let things go, and yes even though our house isn't completely done, to start hosting a few more playdates and not being such a home body! Sorry for being a hermit!

Okay I honestly think I need to go back to bed! Hopefully our next update will have a few new pictures of the kids with their new baby brother or sister!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Playing a little catch up....here's 15 RANDOMS

1. I have officially decided I hate being in the hospital. 3 times in the last week, I tell ya!

2. Austin has suddenly got the suck up bug in his head. Sometimes it cracks me up, and sometimes I Just have to say Austin...quit sucking up. If he gets something he wanted, he will say mommy I love you. Or like today, you're the best mommy ever! On the flip side it's sweet and his tantrums are starting to fade out with a little boy who is wanting to help more.

3. Matt is home sick today with the achies. It seems like a never ending thing in our house these last few weeks, and my house is starting to show it!

4. I need some ideas of meals to freeze up for when this little bundle does arrive. We finally got that freezer we bought 3 months ago plugged in, and now I have some room to breathe!

5. Alyssa as sweet as she can be, is definately starting to hit the terrible two's. Yesterday she had her 2 year check up and is in 50% for height. I knew she was catching up to her big brother!

6. We have tickets to see the Lion King in Seattle this weekend, and we are hoping and praying for everyone to be feeling well enough to go. If not we might have to hand on our tickets and hotel to someone else :(

7. I am thinking about hiring a teenager to come in and help "play" with the kids a couple days a week. Just so I can get a little break, and maybe catch up on some of the things I haven't been able to do!

8. My dear little girl had a pretty rough night, and of course is still asleep at 10:15 in the morning. However, I had to get out of bed and go get Austin this morning so mommy is WIDE eyed and not so bushy tailed. We were at the hospital until 10 last night.

9. TURN BABY TURN!! Praying for baby to turn.

10. I have several prayer requests up my sleeve, and sometimes think it's easy to forget all of the things I need to pray for. I have been trying to write everything down in a binder besides my bed, and add to it daily. However, I think I am going to start putting some of my prayer requests on here......

11. Valentines Day was pretty much a bust for us. I gave Matt his little card and box of chocolates, and then had a nice evening planned. That got turned upside down as I stayed in bed most of the day, and then ended up in Labor and Delivery that night. He did the dishes for me, and to tell ya the truth, that was the BEST Valentines Day present. It's amazing how your idea of gifts change over the years...lol

12. We still have several projects to finish around the house. Trim, doors, some painting, some concrete work. We thought the weather was starting to warm up so we could knock some of it out before we add another body to the family. Things aren't looking so good!

13. Beau Beau came for a visit this weekend and stayed the night with us. He is such a cute little booger, but he refused to go potty outside! Or to walk on his leash for that matter....if we would have a fence (or a yard) no problem....poor Beau Beau

14. Austin is getting quite independent lately. Yesterday I sat down for a quick minute and heard him getting into something in the bathroom. So obviously I got up and checked on him. He said that he had to go potty, and didn't quite make it. So he used tissue to put it in the potty.....well it was all over the potty. The joys of being a mommy. I stripped him, made him go wash his hands upstairs in his bathroom, and politely said I know you're a big boy, but sometimes you need to ask for mommy to help you.

15. Playhouse Disney this weekend was rather interesting! We went out to lunch with Shana and Jeremy which was fun! And then off to the 1:30 showing (the people setting this up must not have children) Austin did fabulous! Alyssa on the other hand did great for the first half, and not so great the second. She was exhausted. We were able to buy tickets through Chelsea and sit in the Pepsi Suite. She also saved our bum and gave us her parking pass where we were able to park in the VERY FRONT ROW. THANK YOU

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Belated Valentines Day to everyone!

Yesterday I was feeling pretty sick and Matt gave me the best Valentine's present ever. I stayed in bed for a majority of the day, and he did the dishes! That's all I needed! Boy I do love him, even if there was a disaster a mile high in my living room, and crumbs EVERYWHERE this morning.......

I have come to love this other blog, and some of the great ideas she has on coupon shopping. I am finding it fun to see what I can save on, and although I am not nearly this dedicated, she has some fun finds! Check it out @ www.frugalchicliving.blogspot.com

I am going to try this other idea, and hopefully it will give me some posting ideas! I am going to try to come up with a few things for every letter of the alphabet, not all at once...we'll see!

So here goes "A"

1. Alyssa, oh how I do love this little girl. It amazes me everyday at the things she comes up with, and I can't fathom that she's 2 now!

2. Austin, if I hear him say poopy butt one more time....I SWEAR. He surprises me sometimes (mostly when he is getting something he wants) but he comes and says mommy I love you!

3. Angry....Austin is ticklin my foot and I yelled stop it....oh for the 5th time. And he just said "mom why are you so angry." Gave me an idea for number 3!

4. Apples ( I can't wait to go to Seattle this next weekend for dried apple rings at Trader Joe's)

5. Attitude: My little girl can throw down quite the tantrum when she wants. My mom always told me what goes around comes around....needless to say, I am getting a little scared!

Hope everyone has a happy week!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Madness!

I am trying really hard to organize, and keep up! It seems like no matter what I do there is always more, and I truthfully am about pooped out! Today starts a 3 week scatter of no free days to do anything....our schedule is FULL!! To top it off I was up all night last night not feeling well....hmmmmm

This weekend was Great! Friday night, we were able to pick up Preston (what a treat). We were going to go bowling, and well who would have thought they had league on a Friday night?? Needless to say, we ended up at Dairy Queen and the kids had some whoppin sundaes! Fun to watch! Thanks Becca for letting us take Preston! After DQ it was on our way to Target for a scavenger hunt....kinda. (I'll post some pictures soon.)

Saturday morning I got my pregnancy massage, and then Matt had to work all day! We had my familia over for dinner that night, and I got some spoiled WY WY time! Sunday was pretty much a lazy day. I did sneak out to go shopping with my friend Kim for awhile!

Anyways, we're looking forward to some sunshine (dunno about this snow in the forecast) But it will be fun to get outside anyways!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Austin!!

January 31st, 2009! I can't believe my baby turned 4 yesterday! We had a very busy day, and got to spend some time with our family. Today we took Austin up to Mission Ridge for his first chance at Skiing. He started off somewhat like a wet noodle....but eventually got the hang of it. (Even took a run with Papa up the chair lift with papa.)

Alyssa had to join in on the fun too...and took a few passes up the rope tow with papa, and then some with daddy! Oh what a day! Needless to say both kids took VERY good naps today!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oldies but Goodies

Here are a few oldies but goodies! Makes me wish summer was here already with green class, t-shirts and dresses! Can't wait for cold season to be over. However, we have been super lucky and Austin just came down with our first cold of the season!!

Went to the O.B. Dr. yesterday and come to find out baby is breech right now. She gave me some tributaline to make the contractions stop and some stuff for my heartburn. Let's pray for baby to do a flip and stay in the oven awhile longer!

Monday, January 26, 2009

We love making cookies!!

Monday Madness

Well today is the start to yet another very busy, very chaotic, and very stressful week. My goal this week is to be organized, keep a clean house, and make sure my kids are getting yummy healthy meals this week. It's 8:45 and Austin just came down the stairs to tell me he has a sore throat....ugh. Here's an idea of our lineup for this week.

Monday-EMT class and Section Exam...Matt Basketball
Tuesday-Preschool, possibly an interview
Wednesday-Dr. Appt, Matt basketball,
Thursday-Preschool, Emt Class (have to take cupcakes for Austin's birthday)
Friday-Cleaning and organizing the house!
Saturday-Taking Austin Skiing, Having his party at Abby's

Okay it doesn't seem like a lot...but when you factor in nap times, baths, meals, keeping up on the house, and studying for my class....It's overwhelming!! Not to mention Matt and I had a wonderful opportunity come our way, and we'll see what happens! Keep us in your prayers!

Can I make Austin go back to bed...he woke up on the wrong side!! And I spilled my morning addiction...CHAI :( Well at least the sun is shining.....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

They are the big CHEESE!!!
Today has been so fun! Austin went to preschool this morning and Alyssa to grandma's, so I could get yet another injection to keep the bun in the oven a little longer! Thanks Grandma! We got a pleasent reminder today of how we can't wait for it to be spring so we can be outside and playing! And I was blessed to get to hang out with Preston and Mia for a little while, so their mommy could do some errands! OH boy they are sweet!! And the little gigles from Joel, makes me very excited to have a baby again!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Where did all of our snow go??
It's only January 16th and we are looking like Spring? There are so many things we wish we could have done thus far, but without snow....well it's not looking good!
Anywho, we're back! We're in our new house, and although not finished we are in! It is my personal goal to blog every week this year and try to keep our family and friends up to date on pictures and what's going on in our busy little lives! Here's an idea!
Baby # 3 will be here soon
Matt's playing basketball on his work team
I am taking the EMT class
Austin is doing preschool
We're trying to prepare for the birthdays and new baby but we've been so busy it's almost impossible! Hope everyone is doing well and talk to ya'll soon!