Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Collin!

It's been a year.... a crazy one in fact!

I can't believe my "baby" is one today! This is short and sweet today. Happy Birthday Collin, you are such an amazing addition to our family. You bring so much joy to our lives and we love you VERY much!!

I wanted to post a pic but blogger isn't letting me! I'll try again in awhile!

Monday, March 1, 2010

When all else fails....this won't!

I have found us getting so busy with life, that we're almost forgetting what's important. This is just a remider that when nothing else in your day is going quite right, your family is always there. Thank you kids for always making me laugh, keeping me on my toes, and loving unconditioally even when you're upset! It's so crazy how fast time flies, how much we let ourselves get caught up in the daily grind, and how much our children can impact our motivation! I have the most amazing family in the world! I love you guys!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's been awhile

Well what can I say other than, "it's been awhile!"

For some reason blogger isn't letting me post pictures...but I'll try again later!

Matt's business is booming, we sold our first "spec" house and started a custom for someone on Sunday, and signed an agreement today for another lot. Yikes! I am taking the EMT class and working at a local coffee shop here, and loving it! As guilty as I feel saying this, it's nice to get out of the house. Of course none of that would be possible without my amazing mother-in-law who loves my kiddos dearly! She has definatley been super-grandma lately!

The kids have been...well kids...haha
Here's a rundown of what's new.....

Austin is 5 and has a whole lotta attitude to go with it. He has however gotten a little more patient with his sister....which is very refreshing to see (or hear) He is still quite a picky eater and I swore I would never result to bribing with desert, but sometimes you do what you have to! He loves Phil Collins (and daddy is jumping for joy) loves the stars and planets, and really REALLY wants to go back to Disney World

Alyssa turned 3 and after a long struggle with potty training, she's getting it! She is actually asking to go potty now, instead of me hounding her! She too loves Phil Collins, and can sing like no other! So hard not to laugh sometimes! She's quite protective of her blankie, LOVES milk, and is a definate Daddy's girl :)

Collin will be 1 in about 2 weeks. Where does time go? He started out as such a great baby, developed a rough patch of collic and when he snapped out if it, was just this amazing chill little man! He is definately a busy boy though! Loves to EAT EAT EAT!! Everyone who is around Collin can't believe how easy going he is. I have discovered lately though, that he can hold his own around his big brother and sister though!

A few weeks ago we celebrated the marriage of one of my best-friends from being a kid, Lyndenn and Josh. I tell you what, these two were meant for eachother! I am 100% sure her parents hand picked Josh for Lyndenn. Lyndenn has impecable taste, and all of the details in her wedding showed it! We wore red satin shoes under our bridesmaid dresses, instead of bouquets we carried clutch purses. They had an amazing reception dinner at Johannsen's and an absolutely beautiful ceremony and reception. I am so thankful for these two, and can't wait to watch them start a family together. We love you guys! Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your wedding day!

Okay, so my small post turned into quite the novel, but we've been busy, and things are good...REALLY really good :)