Tuesday, March 31, 2009
3 weeks old
I woke up this morning and went to get Alyssa out of her crib, and like several other mornings this week...she was stark naked... I do not know what to do with her...Any suggestions?
Austin has had a little bit of a potty mouth. I don't know if it's school or what, but I do NOT like hearing him say poopface. And like most little kids monkey see monkey do, and now Alyssa is calling people poopface. UGH
Collin gave me 3.5 hours of sleep in one shot last night! YAY! He is growing like a weed, and is sooo super sweet.
Tracie and Brionna came up yesterday and are spending a couple of days with us. SUPER FUN! Just hard to do much cause we're strapped down with 3 little guys in car seats. However, we did take a drive to Leavenworth and popped in to A Matter of Taste to splurge on some yummy mustard dip!
We had Matt's company party this last weekend. It was really nice to get out of the house for awhile! Austin had gone to the lake with Craig and Mary, where he had a blast. I believe it is now called his lake house, and not theirs! He also found a small deer spike, which he brought home and was super excited about!
I think that's all for now! OH, Alyssa's favorite word right now...AWESOME
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Two weeks??

Monday, March 23, 2009
OKay so this is a little late...but it's here none the less!!
Collin James Brownlee finally joined our family on March 10, 2009 after a schedule induction. They found out I had a liver condition that was dangerous to deliver later on and after an successful amnio that showed his lungs were mature we were able to start the induction. He was 6lbs 3oz and 19 inches long. Can you imagine if he would have gone full term???
He's super sweet! The kids are absolutely in love with their brother and adjusting very well to having a new baby in the house. Things could not be better and our hearts could not be fuller! We are so thankful to Dr. Cahill and everyone else that has helped us through the last couple weeks! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
On a lighter note, Tracie and the family were here this weekend, and it was a much needed visit! I am however sad that Ben wasn't feeling well and had to go home! Hopefully he'll be better and able to come back later in the week. Oh how I cherish the moments with the kids! Matt has also had a burst of motivation and has been able to finish some of the projects around the house! We have been barbequing and just having a great time enjoying our family. Pretty sure Collin is just what we needed for some motivation and appreciation!
The next couple weeks we're just concentrating on finishing up the house, and moving on to the next chapter of our lives. I'll post when I can share more :)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Where is Waldo!?
1. Alyssa has started potty training and it's actually really funny! The first time I got out her chonies (cause I picked her up out of her crib completely naked) she kept running around the kitchen, sitting on the potty, and tinkling just enough to get a huge "Yay" from mommy and Bubba. It's just funny!
2. Austin is still having some issues at night. It kills me when I wake up in the middle of the night for yet another potty break, and he's up coloring like nothing is wrong!
3. Dr. Cahill tested me for a liver condion, and low and behold I have it! It has some pretty significant risks to take pregnancy later so at 35.5 weeks or (Tuesday) if babies lungs look good we will be having baby a little early! We are super excited, but also very nervous!
4. My prayer request list seems a mile long right now! So for all of the people on our list, we are praying for you, we love you and hang in there!
5. Things are finally starting to progress around our house! I think we're feeling the push with Spring (or so we thought until it snowed Sat night) around the corner...and the idea of a new baby in the house helps too! We have all but 1 door up now, Matt started working on our deck, and we're slowly adapting to life in a house with doors! Boy does it change how things look!
6. We are about to undergo some Big Changes as a family, and I am sure we'll post more as we get there!
7. I can honestly say since we have moved into our new house, I have been a complete hermit. My goal, is to let things go, and yes even though our house isn't completely done, to start hosting a few more playdates and not being such a home body! Sorry for being a hermit!
Okay I honestly think I need to go back to bed! Hopefully our next update will have a few new pictures of the kids with their new baby brother or sister!